Spiritual Gifts

Jun 25, 2023    Dane Aaker

God has a purpose in this world, and He wants to use us to accomplish it. As we continue our series, we see how many different types of people were used to help rebuild Jerusalem. Each person was uniquely gifted, but what tied them together was their willingness to be used by God and their ability to work as one to accomplish His mission. The same can be said about each one of us today: we are all uniquely gifted, but with the same willingness, we too can be used to serve God and see His will be done. What types of people does God use to accomplish His purpose? How can we disqualify ourselves from the ability to be used by God? Why does a willing heart matter so much to God? Join us as we learn what it means to be used by God, and how we can be receptive to His will as we continue our series.