
Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!

1 Chronicles 16:8

The sharing of our testimonies can speak powerfully into the lives of others and is a wonderful way to spread the Good News of the Gospel.

Sherrie Mansfield - God's Ongoing Presence

Albert Guitron - Submitting to God

Leticia Torres - Time With God

Gary Mansfield - Freedom in Christ

Erica Gutron - Unashamed Faith

Fey Simpson - Healing After a Major Accident

Dena Leavitt - Learning to Call God "Father"

Cindy Hamann - Remembering God's Faithfulness

Michelle Coley - Losing a Spouse, Finding Hope

Ron Hamann - God Spared My Life

Carissa Macias - Faith Through Many Losses

Bernice Venegas - Living Through Cancer

Jason & Darlene - Celebrate Recovery