Sin in the Church

Mar 5, 2023    Dane Aaker

In this week’s study in 1 Corinthians, we’re taking a look at sin in the church. Not just any sin, however, this is a focus on major, unrepentant sin in a person. The church in Corinth had a person who was deep into this type of sin, but rather than helping this man, they were proud of how they tolerated such things. It’s not a pleasant experience when we have to take a brother or sister aside and confront them with the truth of their sin, but it is our only truly kind option if we love them and want what is ultimately best for them. How do we help a Christian friend who is living in major sin? What do we need to do before confrontation? How can examining our own hearts keep us on the right path? Join us as we lean on Scripture and learn how to speak the truth in love to ourselves and our loved ones as we continue our series.