Part 2

Aug 27, 2023    Dane Aaker

This week, we’re looking at one of the most amazing miracles of provision in the Bible. Through drought and famine, God provided for Elijah and a widow through their faithful obedience to His word. If God was able to provide for them in such an extreme circumstance, then surely we can trust that He will provide for us when we face our own difficulties in life. What do we do when we find ourselves in times of need? Why can we trust God when things are tough? How do obedience and blessings relate to each other? The many ways that we’re able to see God’s provision all throughout Scripture is a comfort to us when we find ourselves in times of need as we are shown again and again that providing for our needs is not a problem for our God. Join us as we learn how to bring our trust and obedience to God when we find ourselves in need as we continue our series.