Walk Humbly

Jun 23, 2024    Jeff Keneaster

As we continue to dive deeper into our series, we’re focusing on what it means to walk humbly. As people of God, humility should be our default, but what does that look like? How do we put humility into action in our everyday lives? As Christians, a large, and sometimes difficult, aspect of walking humbly includes unity with all who follow Christ. We are called into unity with ALL believers. The Apostle Paul reminds us to be “like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit, and of one mind”. What does it look like when we walk humbly? Who will we put ahead of ourselves in this obedient act of love? What are some key behaviors for those who walk humbly with God? Join us as we humble our hearts and learn how to walk together in love as we continue our series.