
May 28, 2023    Dane Aaker

This week we’re looking at one of the hardest stories in the Bible: the story of Job. Job was a godly and upright man, but still lost everything. Despite his suffering, he held firm to his faith and trust in God. Job’s story reminds us that Satan is real, and so is spiritual warfare. What are we to do when we experience tragedy? How can we hold on to our faith when going through a period of suffering? How do we find a way to still honor and praise God when it feels like we’ve lost everything? The Book of Job is one of the oldest books of the Bible, yet is still relevant to our experiences today. He sets an example in the midst of unimaginable suffering that we can be inspired to follow in our own times of hurting. Join us as we learn from this godly man, and fortify the foundation of our faith for times of hardship as we continue our series.