1. Why is Pastor Dane planning on retiring?
Pastor Dane believes this is God’s leading at this time for the benefit of the church. He has loved this church and has been faithful to God, his wife, the congregation, and the community for over 37 years.
2. When is Pastor Dane retiring?
Pastor Dane will stay on until a new Senior Pastor has been found and a time of transition has occurred. He wants this transition to be as smooth as possible for Centerpoint Church.
3. How long will the search take for a new Senior Pastor?
We are not in a rush. We are not on a deadline. We expect this process to take one to two years. We are trusting God to lead us to the person God has chosen to lead this ministry in the future.
4. What criteria does the search team have in looking for a new Senior Pastor?
We are seeking a Senior Pastor who has completed seminary or the equivalent, has served as a pastor in a church, and is willing to serve in an urban area. This person must have a heart for God and His people, a biblical conservative theology, and a desire and ability to reach the community with the gospel.
5. How many members are there on the search team that was approved by the church board?
We have eight members – 4 men and 4 women. The search team has been meeting since July 2022.
6. Will there be a congregational vote for the new Senior Pastor?
According to our constitution, “The call of a Pastor shall come before the church at a regularly or specifically called congregational meeting.” Only official members having attended membership class and approved by the Board will be able to vote.
7. What is the process for finding a new Senior Pastor?
Whether the candidates are internal or external, only one person will be brought before the congregation for a vote according to our Constitution. The search team will recommend their candidate to the Board and if agreed upon, the search team and the Board will bring the candidate for a congregational vote.
8. Will there be a time of transition between Pastor Dane and the new Senior Pastor?
Yes, we assume there will be a transition time between 3 months to 6 months.
9. Will Pastor Dane still be attending Centerpoint after he retires?
Pastor Dane and Karen will still be living in the community because this is where they raised their family and they love the city of Colton; however, they will not be members or regular attenders of Centerpoint. Pastor Dane feels this is the best way for a new Senior Pastor to establish their new role.
As we keep moving forward, there will be regular updates on our search, both online and in weekend worship services. Additional questions and answers will be posted.
Sincerely, Pastor Scott on behalf of the Search Team
Sincerely, Pastor Scott on behalf of the Search Team